Greater NY Youth Band Beats ISB… to the West

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ON TOUR–The Greater New York Youth Band and Timbrels perform at Knotts Berry Farm during their recent Southern California tour.


by Dr. Dennis Vander Weele – 

From their arrival, the 55 members and leaders of the Greater New York Youth Band, Timbrels and drama group brought a spirit of enthusiasm, a sense of mission, and considerable talent to their ministry. Evident throughout were the enthusiasm of the “flying” timbrel drills and the dramatic and meaningful display of the drama and mime groups.

After unpacking at Mt. Crags Camp, their home for their stay, they delighted close to 200 people at their first concert at the Torrance Corps. Music, evangelism and ministry were clearly blended in the program, featuring classic band pieces, newer numbers for band, and a wonderful vocal soloist, Raymond Livingston. Individual members were singled out at each program to personalize the group’s ministry and witness.

During Sunday morning services, the Torrance Songsters joined in the worship. Captain Ray Jackson, Greater New York Division’s youth secretary, reminded the large congregation of the doors that God presents for us in our lives. The group gave another lively and enthusiastic program at the Long Beach Citadel Corps.

On Monday, visitors at Knott’s Berry Farm were treated to a concert by the band and timbrels as the group enjoyed the Old West atmosphere. Beverly Hills and Hollywood offered a definite contrast as the band and timbrelists witnessed to an enthusiastic crowd from the Los Angeles Social Service Centers.

Ray Livingston was a favorite with the crowd on Tuesday evening as band, timbrel and mimes gave exciting performances at the Santa Ana Temple Corps.

Group leaders B/M Gordon Ward, Timbrel/Mime leader Major Mary Moore and Youth Leaders Captains Ray and Sandy Jackson are to be recognized and thanked for a demonstration of what young lives can accomplish when dedicated to God’s witness, service, and music.

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