God at the center!

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Doing The Most Good- Hawaiian and the Pacific Islands

Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center update.

by Commissioner Joe Noland – 

When searching for rare, sought after, high demand land on which to build Kroc Center Hawaii, something miraculous happened. Through a series of God-arranged coincidences, 16 acres of prime land became available, located in the fastest growing section of Oahu, directly in the CENTER of a master planned community.

The phrase, “Master planned,” suddenly took on a new and unexpected meaning.

When recruiting chairpersons for the Kroc Center Hawaii Fundraising and Program/Oper-ations Committees, something miraculous happened. Two of the most influential, high demand, sought after leaders in the Hawaii business community agreed to take on these responsibilities only if they could be convinced that God would be at the CENTER of this project. How convincing were we? To date, some twenty plus million additional capital and endowment Master planned dollars have been identified.

When selecting an architect—out of many qualified, sought after, high demand applicants—something miraculous happened. The founder and principal of the firm chosen is also senior pastor of a growing, dynamic church in Hawaii. God is at the CENTER of his firm with each creative design session beginning in prayer. It is not a stretch to say that the Hawaii Kroc CENTER design is going to be Master planned.

As design, philosophy and priorities continue to evolve, something miraculous is happening. There is agreement and unanimity (community leaders, fundraisers, architect, Army leaders, etc.) that all programs will revolve around a spiritually integrated CENTER.

We plan to work creatively with the architects and program designers to ensure that there is no physical or programming feeling of separation, thereby guaranteeing that each segment becomes part of an integrated whole. And indeed, the corps will become the core (spiritual CENTER) with all other component parts revolving around it.

As we look to the future of Kroc CENTER Hawaii something even more miraculous is going to happen. The fastest growing community on Oahu is about to be completely transformed by the Master’s plan. How? How can it not happen with…


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