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Frontlines News Briefs of the West

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By Bob Bearchell – 

Lieutenant Mark Nelson, Kaneohe Corps, has invited musicians and music lovers to “jam” with the new worship band on Friday evenings and have free coffee and soda. All of this started with a People Count! contact made by Stacey Kaminsky, who brought David DeLima to the corps and who now plays drum weekly in the worship band. David brought Danny Kalahiki, an excellent guitarist, who now joins the band which leads singing each Sunday. What a wonderful success story!

Even though the flood took place two months ago, The Salvation Army is still serving people who are in need of help. The Salvation Army has been asked to be the coordinator of all state donations, and is meeting this challenge to manage donated goods equitably. The mitigation and restoration phase of disaster relief will be going on for many months, placing an extra burden on corps family services and volunteers in Service Extension communities.

Lts. Gordon and Roberta Myers of the Richmond, Calif., Corps, tell us that the corps’ Good Neighbor Award, traditionally given to individuals, will this year include companies who have demonstrated the same selfless attitude toward their neighbors. Mechanics Bank was honored for its long-term commitment to the community and also Berlex Corps, which has provided a large number of the toys for the Army’s Christmas distribution.

Captains David and Darlene Roehl, at the Casper, Wyo., Corps’ Annual Dinner, celebrated the dedication of the “Goodstein Center for Hope,” in the building donated by Arlene Goodstein Rosen. One purpose of the meeting was to point out ways in which the building will serve the needs of the public, accommodating the Hope Center, offices, Thrift Store, Food Bank, and also the United Way of Natrona County. No funds were solicited at this dinner and dedication ceremony. Congratulations!

There is a new infusion of corporate spirit into the San Francisco City Advisory Board. Its goal is to increase its membership by attracting executive level leadership and business expertise from local companies. Five new members have joined this spring. Young and Rubicam Senior Vice-President Mike Goefft serves on the board and chairs the Army’s Public Relations Committee. On a volunteer basis, Y & R developed a major advertising campaign including three ads with eye-catching themes. That’s really getting the word out!

A CNN crew from Atlanta visited the Los Angeles Red Shield Youth & Community Center to tape a segment for their Saturday morning program, “Parenting Today.” The producers were so impressed with the footage they’ve decided to use it on their prime time evening show, “CNN Presents.” An air date is yet to be announced.

Officers and employees at THQ recently gathered with the Property Department to celebrate the “Americanization of Manny.” Manny Martinez of our maintenance department, formerly of Guatemala, is proud to be a citizen of the U.S.A. He’s worked hard for this and we celebrate with him.


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