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Front lines- News briefs of the West

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He bore our sins on the cross so that we might die to our life of sins and live for righteousness (1 Peter 2:24).


SALEM, ORE.—As of April, the Salem Kroc Center Corps’ contemporary service now takes place Sunday evenings at 5 p.m. The group is called “Epic 616”; the focus is on Jeremiah 6:16—identifying the “Eternal Pathway in Christ.” Currently about 30-35 people attend.

Corps officers Jerry and Donna Ames hope to connect to more people in the community and move them toward the pathway that leads to Christ and deeper discipleship.

The contemporary service’s previous Sunday morning slot now accommodates a Spanish-language service.


HAWAII NATIONAL PARK—This year, men from the Hawaiian Islands gathered at the Big Island’s Kilauea Military Camp at the volcano for the annual Island Men’s Retreat, themed “Arise Ye Men of God,” based on Matthew 13:23. Forty men attended, representing Hawaii, Oahu, Maui and Kauai. Special guest Major Joseph Huttenlocker began this divisional event years ago when stationed in Hilo. The weekend concluded with a Sunday morning service led by Divisional Commander Major Edward Hill.


KAHULUI, MAUI, HI—Earlier this year, members of the Kahului Corps’ emergency disaster services team—all homeless people—helped residents affected by floods. They cooked breakfast for people at a shelter set up by the American Red Cross.

“I’m now three years and four months clean and sober—it’s a way for me to give back to my community,” said volunteer Wayne Rosario II.

Volunteer supervisor Cliff Spencer said, “These guys are good. They are part of the community.” The team also assisted during wildfires in Lahaina, cooking meals for firefighters and other first responders.

A/Captains Mark and Kathy Merritt are Kahului corps officers.


GLENDALE, ARIZ.—Challenging his congregation to a 24/7 prayer week, Corps Officer Major Adam Morales stipulated that every slot be filled and that no one leave the room until the next person arrived. This way the room would never by empty—the praises and petitions would flow continually.

The project concluded with a Good Friday service. Participants want to maintain the prayer room and hold 24-hour prayer days at least once a month.


PUYALLUP, WASH.—Seniors, community representatives, former directors, soldiers and friends celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Senior Activities Center. Director John Herr and member Dee Dee Olson organized the event with the “Building on the Years Gone By.”

Captain Premak Kramerius, corps officer with his wife Charity, gave the invocation. The Sons of the Revolution—in uniform—posted the flags. Evelyn Schuett received the 2010 Volunteer of the Year award.

The center began with a lunch program adopted from a local hospital. The original 20 members grew to 200-plus by 2010.


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