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front lines/ News briefs of the West

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To you, O my strength, I will sing praises, for God is my defense (Ps. 59:17a).

By Karen Gleason, Editor

MODESTO, CALIF.—The Salvation Army honored Jerry Morris, retiring as director of homeless services after 22 years. Morris received national honors for his social service work. Hundreds of clients—known as “Jerry’s kids”— asked for him by name.

Viewing his job as a ministry, Morris believed he should tithe his time as well as his money. Whether in the social services department or at the Berberian Homeless Shelter, he always had a good attitude, a smile, and often a song.

Captain Michael and Major Beth Paugh are the corps officers.


TUCSON KOREAN, ARIZ.—In 2012, the corps committed to reading the Bible through in a year, and 10 soldiers met the goal. The habit is catching on, and this year more soldiers are starting to read the Bible every day. Lts. Eric and Amy Park are the corps officers.


DENVER—The Centennial Home League is making cancer care pillows for breast cancer patients who have had mastectomy or reconstructive surgery. Project Director Julie Ewert and Corps Officer Captain Stacy Cross appeared on the local TV show “Colorado’s Best” to speak about the ministry. The publicity generated donations for material for the pillows, which are free and made with care and prayer.


SALT LAKE CITY—The corps, led by Majors Richard and Deborah Greene, recently began soldiership preparation classes with six students; two came through family services and the Christmas program, and one is an employee. An eight-week study on gifts of the Spirit is also underway; 16 attended the first class. The number of attendees is almost half of the number who worship on Sunday.


LODI, CALIF.—The corps conducted a series called “Living Debt Free, God’s Way of Handling Money, Tired of Being Broke,” which covers debt, counsel, honesty, giving, work, saving and investing, and children. The source material, from Crown Ministries, implements Scripture references and weekly budget exercises. The corps also helped a shelter client reconcile with her children, obtain a full-time job and secure an apartment.

Captains Martin and Tory Ross are the corps officers.


PUEBLO, COLO.—Envoy James Mertz invited semi-retired businessman Harvey Smith to join the advisory board; he accepted and has helped the corps save money on maintenance expenses. He also connected the corps to two local radio stations that provided free promotion for the Red Kettle campaign. Smith invited one of his employees, Robert Garduno, to the corps. The young man is now responsible for the audio-visual ministry, assisting in Sunday worship.


CORRECTION—An item in the Frontlines column of the Jan. 18 edition of New Frontier was incorrectly attributed to the Klawock (Alaska) Corps; instead, it was the Kodiak Corps. New Frontier apologizes for this error.

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