Extreme makeover – Congo edition

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Southwest Division readies for mission trip.

In 2003, General John Larsson (Ret.), introduced the Partners in Mission program. It links every contributing Salvation Army region with a needy one to bring a more personal face to missions. The program is designed not to replace the traditional world service/self denial appeal but instead to enhance it.

The Southwest Division is about to embark on a mission trip to their partner in mission—the Angola/Democratic Republic of the Congo Territory with headquarters in Kinshasa, located on the banks of the great Congo River.

Under the leadership of Lt. Colonels Mervyn and Shirley Morelock, 15 volunteers will work alongside the Congolese for three weeks to repair the Yolo School, a leaking, dilapidated school for 610 children. “We are calling this project “Extreme Makeover,” said Morelock. “With torn roofs, dirt floors, a broken security wall, and a lack of desks that require many boys and girls to sit on the floor, the school needs an extreme makeover!”

In addition to the building repairs, the team will build 155 desks so that every child can sit at a desk.

The hope for the future in the Congo is in training and educating children to become the leaders of a country that is just now emerging from decades of darkness, violence and poverty. Its children are a precious resource, and providing clean and safe schools with committed and dedicated teachers will change the future of the country.

The Southwest Division has taken the Congo to heart. The team has been raising the money needed for the project—$50,000 for the repairs, plus funds for the airfare.

The team invites readers to join in supporting this “extreme makeover” with money and prayers.

For more information, contact Lt. Colonel Morelock at mervyn_morelock@usw.salvationarmy.org.

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