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Doughty Appointed to Int’l College for Officers

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Captain Victor Doughty, territorial legal secretary, has been appointed to the April-June term of the Army’s International College for Officers in London.

Each year, approximately 100 officers from around the Army world–all of whom have a minimum of 10 years of service and are 53 or younger–attend the College. Four eight-week sessions are held on the campus, located six miles from the heart of London.

Held under the leadership of Colonel Philip Needham, principal, a panel of lecturers headed by the General and the Chief of the Staff includes officers and soldiers who are experts in various fields.

“For me,” says Doughty, “I.C.O. represents a mid-life, total immersion journey into the mind and heart of our Founders, particularly their vision for the worldwide Salvation Army. It also represents a personal journey to a place and an experience of significance to my father, who attended I.C.O. some 20 years ago with session mates including our own Lt. Colonel Harold Brodin and Commissioner Kay Rader.

“The timing of my journey coincides with the convening of the High Council, as well as Commissioning events in the United Kingdom Territory, which will add a little extra excitement to the overall experience. It is a distinct privilege to receive this appointment, and I am grateful.”

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