Denver boxers win state title

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Three champions from Denver Red Shield advance to national competition.

Boxers compete during the Amateur Colorado State Championships.

Three members of the Denver Red Shield’s youth and young adult boxing team were recently crowned champions at the USA Amateur Colorado State Championships held in Grand Junction.

“We are very proud of our boxers’ accomplishment,” said Captain Ron McKinney, corps officer. “To have three of the seven state champions from one boxing team is quite an achievement.”

Champions include 23-year-old Terrance Perro, the Super Heavyweight Champion; 17-year-old Joe McKee, the Middleweight Champion; and 12-year-old Maleek Elliston, the Featherweight Champion.

Perro, once part of a local gang, has now been a member of the team and the corps for five years. He is a single, full-time dad and working toward a career in mechanics.

“He is a great example of what this program can do,” McKinney said. “If it weren’t for boxing, he’d probably be in jail.”

Congratulations also go to Jose Alvarado for finishing second in the Light Heavyweight division.

The Denver Red Shield boxers were awarded the first place team championship trophy.

The Red Shield boxing program began in 2002 as a way to blend the community’s diverse Hispanic, African-American, and Caucasian populations. It has grown from the original six members to almost 90 boxers, ages 6-25, coached by retired professional boxer Ron Lyle.

“The biggest change I’ve seen in these kids is their dedication to school,” McKinney said. “The boxing is tied into our after-school tutorialthey have to maintain a 3.3 grade point average in order to box in our program. These kids are gifted student athletes.”

The three champions will compete in the USA Amateur National Championships to be held at the Denver Red Shield on Feb. 23. The winners will receive an invitation to compete for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team.

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