Crestmont future

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“Vision-Watchers” throughout the West are experiencing a sense of excitement and anticipation as preparations are made for realization of a vital aspect of the territorial vision ­ the promotion of a commitment to lifelong learning among Salvationists, helping us to identify and use our gifts in Christian service.


“We will promote a life-long learning among our people …”

Early in March a team of officers, soldiers and professionals from the field of education converged on the Crestmont campus to begin work on developing a plan for the Army’s Crestmont Center ­ a center for lifelong learning in the Western Territory. The focus of the study is to create a vehicle that will enable every Salvationist to be involved in a development plan for the enhancement of personal spiritual life, the nurture of a Christian mindset and thought process, and the honing of ministry skills.

Initial proposals include a baccalaureate degree program, making it possible for an officer who has earned an associate’s degree at the College for Officer Training to earn a B.A. in the five years following commissioning and a short-term residential program to train lay youth leaders for ministry in Salvation Army programs. But these are only the beginning! The vision is for a full-service complex that will make Christian leadership training available not only “on campus,” but to all salvationists through additional opportunities for residential courses, seminars and training in divisional and local settings and distance learning studies via the internet.

Pray for the Crestmont Steering Team and the planning committees as you pray for the realization of our territorial vision. After all, it was God’s vision ­ first!

Steering committee

Col. Phil Needham, Chair, CTC Steering Team; Maj. Donna Ames, So Calif. DHQ; Mr. Jon Cartwright, CFOT Board of Advisors; Dr. Robert Docter – Editor, New Frontier; Mr. Robert Edgars – Advisory Board Member, Northwest Div.; Mr. Geir Engoy – THQ; Dr. James Hartman – Chair,CFOT Board of Advisors; Maj. Rudy Hedgren – THQ; Capt. Edward Hill – CFOT; Lt. Col. Olin O. Hogan – Southwest DHQ; Maj. James Hood – Long Beach Corps; Maj. C. Bruce Jones – Territorial Finance Secretary; Capt. Clement A. Leslie -CFOT; Lt. Col. Bettie Love- Golden State DHQ.; Maj. Barry Lucas -Phoenix ARC; Maj. Linda Markiewicz – THQ; Lt. Robert Marshall – Compton Corps; Dr. David Mertes -Livermore CA; Maj. Douglas O’Brien-CFOT; Capt. Zoilo Pardo – El Paso Corps; Maj. Carol Pontsler – THQ; Mr. James Reeves – Vice Chair, CFOT Board of Advisors; Lt. Col. Sharon M. Robertson -Secretary, CTC Steering Team, THQ; Capt. Judy Smith – THQ; Maj. Wesley Sundin – THQ; Capt. Keilah Toy – San Francisco Asian American Corps; Dr. Dennis VanderWeele – CFOT Board of Advisors; Ms. Olivia Yates -CFOT.

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