Cascade Div. Musicians ‘Walk in the Light’

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by Major Barbara Blix – 

“Walking in the Light” was the theme for the 1998 Cascade Music Institute, held under the direction and leadership of Sylvia McCaw, Cascade divisional music director. Nearly 130 young people enjoyed 10 days of fun, fellowship and intense instruction in music and theory as they learned how to use their gifts and talents for the glory of God.

Bandmaster Mark Hall, whose musical expertise and devotion to God set an outstanding example for campers and staff alike, served as guest conductor. He was supported by Songster leader Brian Rawlins, bandsman Glenn Barlow, and pianist Michelle Westberg–all from the North York Corps, Toronto, Canada.

A highlight was the devotional time each morning, led by Charles McKinney, former basketball star and present youth pastor of Life Change Fellowship. His down-to-earth lessons on the “how-to’s” and benefits of “Walking in the Light” were well-received.

The final concert, with an attendance of approximately 250, demonstrated the experiences of the Institute. Nicole Evans, Salem, Ore., corps, was named most outstanding camper musician and received the Harry Hartjes award for musical talent. The Orrin Smith award for excellence in campership was presented to Jacob Browning, Boise, Ida., corps. Top corps honors, covering all areas of musicianship at camp and presented by the Leonard Blix award to benefit ongoing corps music programs, went to the Salem, Ore., corps.

Following remarks by Divisional Commander Major Kurt Burger, the united camp chorus pronounced a choral benediction which capped a glowing finish to a blessed experience.

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