Breakthrough Generation Rally

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DECLARATION–Territorial Youth Leaders Majors Rudy and Judy Hedgren display a commitment signed by delegates to continue to fight to win souls for Christ.

by Kevin White

“You have come from all parts of the territory, representing the youth of today, to make a defamation regarding resonant tissues!” Those were the somewhat mixed-up words given by “Captain Victory” who literally flew into Munson Chapel at Azusa Pacific University to inspire and kickoff the Youth Forum rally. Yes, this is the same Captain Victory that made his debut at last year’s Victory Congress–a superhero wannabe for the Christian faith. Fortunately, Captain Victory was quickly corrected that the young adults were there to make “DECLARATIONS REGARDING RELEVANT ISSUES” and not his muddled words.

Nonetheless, the Breakthrough Generation Rally was on; especially designed for the Forum delegates to encourage and inspire them as they began to address the important issues that were placed in front of them for the weekend.

The rally actually started before Captain Victory’s arrival with a fantastic 30 minutes of praise and worship led by Praise Works! from the Tustin Ranch Corps (Leader ­ Michael Freeman). After a welcome from Major Rudy Hedgren, territorial youth and candidates’ secretary, the delegates were challenged by General Rader (via video) to “open the ears of their heart to the leading of the Holt Spirit” as they discussed and formed their declarations.

More inspirational music was presented as the Gospel Choir Psalm 151 from the Southern California Division took the stage. Under the leadership of Tom Freeman, delegates and guests were treated to a God glorifying time of praise through their unique style of Gospel music.

Hedgren then introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Territorial Commander Commissioner David Edwards. Edwards challenged the forum delegates to be active, to make their declarations and to act on them. “There is much you can do. How available are you?” He then shared the Harvest, a moving modern day video parable depicting the life of a family on a farm hit with the sudden loss of the father. It portrayed how family members, friends and neighbors came along side them to help them harvest the wheat from their farm, and how this event impacted that family and their calling to serve God. This powerful video led to a moving time of dedication and commitment for the delegates.

After a brief moment of worship and prayer, pantomime artist Cary Trivanovich provided the featured entertainment for the evening. His unique mixing of monologue and pantomime sketches literally kept everyone on the edge of their seats. His last set was entitled the “Giver of Life, depicting all stages of a man’s life from birth to death– meeting God face to face.

This was such a powerful message showing indeed that God truly is the giver of life! Cary then gave his testimony and challenged the delegates, stating that “you cannot be a breakthrough generation until God has broken through to you.”

It was a great night of inspiration and urging, challenging all who were there to be a vital part of the Breakthrough Generation.

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