Awards and Degrees Highlight Commencement

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HONORED–Commissioner Peter H. Chang presents the Commissioner’s Award to Cadet Mark Thielenhaus.

After two years of faithful and diligent study, the Messengers of God’s Love Session of cadets participated in Commencement exercises held on Friday at Rolling Hills Covenant Church under the leadership of Major Terry Griffin, training college principal, with the assistance of Major Douglas O’Brien, ass’t. principal.

General Paul A. Rader addressed the cadets, followed by the presentation of academic awards and degrees by Commissioner Peter H. Chang, territorial commander.

The following cadets were honored: the Principal’s Award for Academic Excellence went to Cadet John Stennett. The Commissioner’s Award was presented to AnnMarguerite Begonia and Mark Thielenhaus.

On the Principal’s List with Honor (3.90 GPA or above) were Elisabeth Berko, Candy Stennett, and John Stennett.

On the Principal’s List With Distinction (3.75-3.89 GPA) were: AnnMarguerite Begonia, Dany Boyd, Debbie Navarro, Veronica Ochoa, Marcellino Soriano, and Lawry Smith.

On the Principal’s List with Merit (3.60-3.74 GPA)were Sonia Gonzalez, Jeanette Hamel, Mark Anthony King, Ariel Ochoa, and Mark D. Thielenhaus.

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