Action strategies decided

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The Western Territory is committed to moving forward with specific action on the six strategic priorities. “The interconnection between departments of these priorities has to be taken into account. There are specific working groups that are putting their efforts in the direction of action in order to identify the steps in order of impact potential,” said Major Carol Seiler, assistant chief secretary for strategic planning. Some of those are in process of being formed as this is written.

These four groups have been given specific terms of reference to make strategic recommendations to be implemented, from both the recent TALC and the previous Visioning recommendations. Each group is configured somewhat differently, but is intended to have a deliberate representation reflective of the territory. That means that officers, soldiers, employees and advisory board representatives are being tapped. It means that in each group there are people with strengths in corps ministries, social service programs, business and development issues, and human resources. The effort is intended to keep a systems perspective rather than be satisfied with cosmetic or short-term fixes.

How much time will that take? The goal is to see measurable change by September 2003, as has been outlined in previous articles in New Frontier. The more important outcome is that the changes truly re-charge the territory, bringing a revival of the Holy Spirit as he energizes the community of Salvationist Christians, and makes the Army in any community salt and light ­ a “harbor light” that connects with people where they are ­ that follows the model of Jesus walking and talking and eating and teaching in the crowds; an Army that understands the compelling movement of the heart and knows how to respond, an Army that puts its resources behind what it says it wants to happen. If that takes longer in order to be real ­ so be it. We expect that it will begin to happen in the process, that the momentum will build.

Who are the groups? The Program Ad hoc Strategy group and the Community Relations and Fund Development Strategy group have been working since October. The Personnel Vision Task Force and the Economic Task Force have targeted March dates. The ink is still not dry on the names of those who are being requested for the Economic Task Force, which has been asked by Commissioner Linda Bond to cover a variety of challenging issues related to “Dir-ecting Resources to mission.” Colonel Donald Bell, chief secretary, says “We take these priorities and the mandate to action very seriously. The cabinet is also adjusting our agenda format to keep the vital issues in front of us weekly. ”

The cabinet and those involved in these groups continue to “land the planes of the ongoing work of the Army” as they work for the present as well as the future. “Pray for wisdom and physical energy for the members of these groups” asks Seiler. “They carry heavy loads and travel schedules, but are committed to the vibrancy and relevancy of The Salvation Army in the Western Territory.”

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