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| Caring Magazine

A noble effort!

Listen to this article


by Major Terry Camsey –

Did you see it? That program on 60 Minutes II that explored the problem of children living on (or rather, under) the streets in Mongolia. There were hundreds of them who scavenge for food in below zero temperatures, then spend the night in ducts beneath the streets that provide heat.

The program focussed on what someone was doing to try to upgrade the quality of the orphanages and who had also set up some “small towns” of traditional style tents.

As soon as I heard the voice, I recognized it. It was Irish and belonged to Christina Noble who had previously (several years ago) been featured on a program where similar work was being done with children in–I believe–Indonesia. There she had set up orphanages and clinics also. I recorded that program on video-tape because of its potent message.

The interviewer on both programs had asked Christina why she was involved in this type of ministry. (You have to call it ministry, for that is what it is, even though she claims it has no religious or political overtones). Her response was that she had “been there” herself. She had been a “street child” herself in Ireland and had promised God that–if she survived that ordeal–she would do everything possible to improve the plight of children in the same situation.

Her enthusiasm for that cause showed. In fact it glowed, as it frequently does when you observe people sharing their passion.

Passion is a very important motivator. In fact, to see someone’s best work (or ministry), put him/her in a setting where they can express their spiritual giftedness in the area of their passion. Passion for a cause or idea can turn ordinary people into extraordinary conduits to demonstrate God’s gifts through service.

I recall seeing a housewife in Los Angeles on one program. She prepares sandwiches every day for homeless people and delivers them. Why? She has a passion to serve the poor. I also saw one program about a couple in the Midwest who take in children with Down’s syndrome. At the time they had about 13 in their home. He was a doctor and she a nurse who devoted all her time to that ministry. The love was so tangible you could feel as well as see it. Why do it? They have a passion to help these children whom many abandon.

I saw a retired man who spends hours in a tiny cubicle dictating textbooks for blind students. Why? Because that’s where his passion lay…and I saw a 90-year-old Afro-American lady who goes to a children’s hospital every day to hug babies who otherwise would get little love. Why? You know.

In one magazine, I saw an article about an artist who has developed Parkinson’s disease. He still paints, and they say his work is better than it ever was. He says “You just have to learn to work with the shakes.” A passion for painting.

What is your passion? I believe that God never wastes a hurt and it may be that, like the artist with Parkinson’s disease, you can put that overcome hurt to work. All things work together for good to them…

Frustrated because of guilt over unexpressed ministry? Dig deep for your passion, then look for a way to express God’s love through focusing on that area. It has been powerful in the lives of many. It can be so with you.

Is that a “noble cause” or what?

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