A miraculous change in Visalia

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When we arrived a year ago at the Visalia Corps, there was absolutely no one here, and the church was about to close with a deficit of $76,000. Knowing how God moves when we are willing to surrender all to him, the first thing we did was bend our knees and cry out for God’s vision for this church. It was then that we felt that God wanted to use our lives to build up the Visalia Corps.

It was not until after January that we started the work of winning souls for the Kingdom. It was overwhelming to see the awesome changes that God was doing in this place, not only by providing us with material things, but our main focus has always been to give them the spiritual message of salvation, deliverance and healing.

One by one the Lord has been touching people’s hearts and, so far, he continues bringing them and saving souls. We now have 25 soldiers and 9 junior soldiers, with 25 recruits–Glory to God!

Now, we are experiencing a fullness of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is not only touching the souls and emotions, but we are also experiencing physical healing. God is healing people who have been sick all their lives without even realizing that they were in long-suffering bondage for life. But we know that the Lord wants us to be free, experience wholeness, with our sins forgiven and living in his great love.

Thanks to God that our vision is being fulfilled in winning new souls for the Kingdom of God and for his mercies and love. He keeps us bound together and he is adding to the church those who are to be saved. And what about the deficit? We are getting rid of it little by little.

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