Need to clean for Christmas? This daily guide will maximize your efforts to help others

Need to clean for Christmas? This daily guide will maximize your efforts to help others

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Across the Western U.S., Salvation Army Thrift Stores are facing donation shortages as the holiday season draws near, impacting the Adult Rehabilitation Centers (ARC) that rely on this needed support.

“The ARCs are certainly feeling the pinch,” said Dalita Lovett, Director of Resource Development for the Western Territory ARC Command. “While the donated goods world has regular ebb and flow patterns each season, the ebb of summer is lasting well into fall this year, causing a shortage of donations, which are the lifeblood of our ARCs.”

Through The Salvation Army’s rehabilitation centers, people seeking recovery from drugs and alcohol are provided with six-months of no-fee programming designed to help each individual move forward in life without addiction.

Donations are needed in order to make these programs possible, Lovett said.

“We’re calling on our millions of generous supporters across the Western Territory to help us over this slump by dropping off your unwanted, gently used or new items at your neighborhood Salvation Army drop-off location,” Lovett added.

This season, gather with your family, friends, or roommates and find an item each day of December leading up to Christmas to donate to your local Salvation Army Thrift Store.

Caring has created a guide to inspire your Christmas clean-out. Each day, follow the listed prompts below to consider a different type of donation to look for in your home. By Christmas, you’ll have a large box of donation items, clearing away clutter while positively impacting people’s lives.

Day 1. Find one book that you loved, but probably won’t read again—add it to the donation box!

Day 2. Check out that junk drawer that’s bursting to the brim, find one item to part ways with. (Who knows? Maybe you’ll find multiple items!)

Day 3. Look through your kitchen gadgets. What’s collecting dust? Maybe someone else could give it a new life.

Need to clean for Christmas? This daily guide will maximize your efforts to help others

Day 4. Find something made of denim that you haven’t worn in a while. Pass it on.

Day 5. Look for something in your garage, shed or basement. We have a feeling you’ll find something to add to the donation box!

Day 6. Have more than one umbrella? Add one umbrella to the donation box to shield someone else from a rainy day.

Day 7. Look through your purses and luggage bags—after picking your favorites, donate the rest!

Day 8. Find a blanket, fleece or quilt you don’t use—add it to the donation box!

Day 9. Have a bed or couch with too many pillows? Find a pillow to donate.

Day 10. Are you a music lover with one too many CDs or vinyls? Donate your least-listened-to album. Somewhere, someone is probably looking for it!

Need to clean for Christmas? This daily guide will maximize your efforts to help others

Day 11. Find one article of clothing that “never quite fit right” and let it have a second chance with someone new.

Day 12. Take a walk through your home and look at what artwork you have. What are you ready to let go of in order to find new inspiration?

Day 13. Find a mug in your cabinet that you love but don’t use. It will probably make a fellow mug-lover’s day.

Day 14. Prepare for brighter days ahead. Find a swimsuit to donate that you don’t see yourself wearing next summer.

Day 15. Find a holiday decoration you no longer use or have replaced to add to the box.

Day 16. How many pairs of shoes does one really need? Find a pair you don’t wear often to give away.

Day 17. Find an “ugly” sweater, Christmas or otherwise, and let someone else have the joy of discovering it on the clothing rack.

Day 18. Look, we’ve all received gifts we weren’t thrilled about…Now’s your chance to donate it and create happiness for the next person who receives it.

Day 19. Have any unopened party supplies? Donate to get the party started for someone else.

Need to clean for Christmas? This daily guide will maximize your efforts to help others

Day 20. Look for craft supplies you bought, but never used and donate them in hopes of creating a new hobby for someone else.

Day 21. Find one toy or board game you haven’t used in the last year—add it to the donation box!

Day 22. Is there a piece of furniture taking up space in your home? It might not fit in the box, but you should donate it.

Day 23. Look for something that’s at least 5 to 10 years old that when you see it, you wonder, why do I still have this? Pass it on.

Day 24. Find a lamp or set of string lights (that still work) to give another person the gift of light.

Day 25. Find something in your home that’s festive (think red and green, blue and white or sparkly) to finish your collection journey.

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