Big Winners

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Big Winners

Congratulations to the Home League
members of Redlands, Calif.

Congratulations to the women attending the Women’s Outreach groups in
Mid Columbia, Wash.
They each are winners and will receive $500.

Territorial Headquarters Women’s Ministries Department offered incentive awards for 1997 to encourage and
reward corps for a job well done in Women’s Ministries.

Using words to follow the theme for the year
“A FRUITFUL LIFE” the criteria was to:

* Cultivate women
* Nurture women
* Harvest women


Second prize winners were:
* Denver Red Shield for Home League
* Anacortes, Wash. for Outreach Ministries

Third prize winners were:
* Rita, Marshall Islands for Home League
* Denver New Hope Lambuth for Outreach Ministries

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