Alaska Youth Programs Featured in ’96 Rally

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By Mike Schmickrath –

Alaska youth numbering 120 recently came to the South-Central and Interior 1996 Youth Rally. Attending were representatives of the Army’s youth outreach programs: Girl Guards and Sunbeams, Adventure Corps, Explorers and Rangers, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts.

A highlight was the presentation of four Commissioner’s Sunbeam Awards by Major Joann Brodin, divisional director of Women’s Organizations, to recipients Katie Dexter, Fairbanks Corps; Mary Davey, Mat-Su Valley Corps; and Kaswandra Canavan and Alexandra Leake of the Kenai Peninsula Corps.

Letters of congratulation and celebration were read from General Paul A. Rader and Commissioner Wilma Maxwell, World President of Guards and Guides, on the 75th anniversary of the Sunbeams.

Captain Paul Fanning, divisional youth and candidates’ secretary, presented 21 Boy Scouts with God and Country series awards. Ranger Mark Davey of the Mat-Su Valley Corps received his Divisional Commander’s award and certificate for the Adventure Corps from Major Brodin. “You are special in the eyes of the Lord,” was the focal point in Fanning’s devotional.

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