Winning the race

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Photos by Michael Moss
Photos by Michael Moss

In 1 Cor. 9:24, Paul writes, Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

How true that was at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach (Calif.) the weekend of April 19-21. Twenty-seven drivers and cars started the Grand Prix and for 80 laps fought it out, all wanting to win the race. However, there was only one winner: Takuma Sato of Japan.

As the successful driver accepts the Winner’s Trophy, his team celebrates. Meanwhile, the other drivers are left to interviews with the press to explain what happened to them and why they didn’t win.

The good news for us is that everyone can win the race we are in—that is, life—by simply running the race so as to win. How do we do that? By surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ, accepting him as our Savior from sin. The prize, life eternal in Heaven, is far more valuable than a mere trophy or paycheck. To dwell in heaven is to live in God’s presence, in a mansion built just for you.

Ready, set, go!

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