Cadets ‘Proclaim the Resurrection’ in summer campaigns

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President Obama thanks Cadet James Park and The Salvation Army for their disaster relief work during the Colorado wildfires.


Proclaimers of the Resurrection Session rock the Western Territory for seven weeks.

 By Keilah Toy, Major

The Proclaimers of the Resurrection Session completed seven weeks of field training experience throughout the Western Territory this summer from Alaska to Arizona, Hawaii to Colorado, and one assignment in Barbados, West Indies. They returned with stories of God’s moving in communities as they assisted the corps by preaching, leading programs and learning business and administrative duties.

After Training Principal Major Tim Foley challenged the session to use “Imagination, Innovation and Inspiration,” the cadets conducted fundraiser projects at their assignments using such creative titles as “Sunday Fun-day Dessert Dash,” “Pie ‘n the Face,” “Garfield’s Fried Bread Sale,” “Christmas in July,” “No Cookie Left Behind” and more. Along with Tustin Ranch Corps Officer Major Lisa Van Cleef, Cadet Troy Cook organized the “O.W.S.Y” (One Week’s Salary per Year) campaign, asking church family members to pledge 2 percent of their salary each pay period to World Services. Pledges totaled $5,236; altogether the Proclaimers raised a total of $14,501.42.

The cadets also reached out to their communities with activities such as Fiesta Bowling, Sidewalk Sunday School, Prayer and Care Booth, a neighborhood parade, prison visitation, carnivals and more. In all, they conducted 13 door-to-door sharing projects, 17 vacation Bible schools, and 26 summer celebration events across the territory.

A new initiative in the College for Officer Training curriculum is Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) training and certification.

The cadets had an opportunity to utilize their EDS training during the Colorado wildfires this past summer. Cadet Sam LeMar spent a few days providing meals during the relief effort to some of the 35,000 residents forced to evacuate.

Cadet James Park, leading the EDS team in Grand Junction, Colo., had the rare opportunity to thank President Obama, when instead, the President responded with his hand on Park’s shoulder, “Salvation Army…no, I thank you for all you do. You are on these lines doing this every day. God bless you.”

Cadet Felicia Cook sat with a man and his wife in hospice care at his home. She listened as he recounted his history with The Salvation Army and his transparent feelings regarding future realities—awaiting the end of his life on earth and the beginning of eternity with Jesus. He was fearlessly placing all in God’s hands. As they sang together the hymn, “I’m In His Hands” and prayed, Cook reflected on being part of God’s ministry “to both those who have come to the end of their lives and to others whose lives are just beginning with Jesus.”

The Proclaimers experienced a summer of “firsts” and confirmations of God’s call on their lives through full-time ministry in The Salvation Army. Now back at the college, they are ready to continue their education.


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