Laura Corps supports healthy Marshallese

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Corps holds community walkathon and health fair.

The Salvation Army Laura Corps, led by Auxiliary Captains Harrick and Daisey Reiher, coordinated a walkathon on Oct. 8 to raise awareness of health issues. About 200 people participated in the walk/run event in Majuro, Marshall Islands. A health fair followed the walkathon.

Participants-preparing-to-run-walk“[We want] to promote healthy living for the people of Laura…to gather the community so we can know each other better, because ‘together brings power,’” Harrick Reiher said.

“Together brings power” is a song the Marshallese Salvationists sing.

“We [also] did this to help youth and young adults to stop drinking and smoking,” Reiher said. “To teach all our people how to live healthy lives. And to show people that God loves them.”

Headed by national and local police patrol vehicles, the event included uniformed Salvationists led by the timbrel group, and representatives from agencies supporting the walkathon, including Trust Company, the maritime ship registry of Marshall Islands; College for Marshall Islands; the land grant office; KIJLE, a women’s health group; and KUMIT, a drug and alcohol prevention group.


Harrick offered morning devotions at the Jeirok Basketball Court, where the walkathon started. The event concluded at the corps with demonstrations in healthy cooking and services such as blood pressure and blood sugar tests, flu shots and instruction in water testing.

“I am really happy about the level of participation,” Reiher said. “Laura needs this help because many Marshallese eat poorly and have diabetes and high blood pressure. There is a lot of local food that can be prepared and contribute to healthy life. We are trying to Do the Most Good!”

Laura-residents-watch-food-prepWith the Laura Corps leading the event, attendance almost quadrupled from last year and sponsorships increased. Along with the groups mentioned above, other contributors included Majuro Major Ladie Jack, Lobat Councilman Jimmy Ceasar, Jeirok Councilman Jina David, Marshall Islands National Olympic Committee, Ministry of Health Services and the Wellness Center.

Staying healthy takes a long-term commitment.

“We have a plan,” Reiher said. “We’re going to follow up at the end of every month and encourage people to walk, eat healthy  and get regular blood checks, and of course, walk with God. We’ll start with a devotion and then we will walk–we call it walking prayer!”

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