Young adults in Cascade Division examine an “All or nothing life”

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Praiseworks Outpost’s Michael and Joanna Freeman were special guests at Cascade retreat.

by Lisa M. Van Cleef, Captain – 

The Cascade Division’s young adult retreat was a weekend spent examining what it means to live an “All or Nothing” life.

Divisional Youth Secretary Captain John Van Cleef started the weekend with clear focus: “Joshua, at the end of his life said, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ Today, we are faced with the same choice. Your life may just be getting started, but this day and age demands that a choice be made.

“People are searching for authentic Christians—young adults like you who have given their all to Jesus.”

Using the theme verse of James 4:7, special guests Michael and Joanna Freeman (Praiseworks Outpost) spoke about what it means to submit to God, resist the devil and draw near to God.

“How did Jesus resist the devil?—with Scripture. If we are going to be strong against the devil’s schemes, we have to have key verses memorized,” said Joanna Freeman. “When the devil brings lies into our lives, we can use even simple scripture sentence to speak the truth, and he will leave.”

Michael Freeman compared drawing near to God to being in the “splash zone” at water amusement parks, like Sea World.

“When you sit near the edge of the pool, in the splash zone, you are going to get wet,” he said. “It’s the same thing with Jesus. If you are close to him, you’re in an area where you can’t help but be affected. Your life will be changed and go in unexpected directions.”

After exploring a deep topic, delegates needed time to decompress. Along with the general sessions, the 42 delegates had plenty of time for fellowship, relaxation and fun in the snow!

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