It happened at Trade…

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Majors Ron and Marilyn Bawden

To the Editor:
The demise of the Trade Department as a “bricks and mortar” entity brings a twinge to many of us, but for differing reasons. In September 1963, as an accepted candidate, I reported to the office of the territorial youth secretary, Brig. David Moulton, at Territorial Headquarters in San Francisco. It was there I was to pick up my pass, which would allow me to report to the School for Officers’ Training as a cadet. Before leaving THQ, I visited “Trade,” located in the ground floor of the building at Valencia and McCoppin.
There was a variety of merchandise, the likes of which I had never seen before. Then, my eyes traveled across the room, and I beheld another cadet, a young woman, who appeared to me as a vision of loveliness. I was instantly smitten. But being a properly modest and shy cadet, I found it impossible to communicate to this “vision” what had happened in my heart. At that very moment, the TYS entered the room. Summoning all of my earthly powers, I asked Brig. Moulton if he could possibly introduce me to this cadet. With his characteristically brilliant smile he responded, “Sure, Ron!” I followed him across the room, and he presented me: “Cadet Ron Bawden, meet Cadet Marilyn Andreasen.”
The rest, as they say, is history. This past June Marilyn and I proudly accepted our 40 year Long Service awards as Salvation Army officers. The day before we had celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary. What other Salvation Army officers could claim, “We met at Trade”?
“Trade,” thanks for the memories!
Ron Bawden, Major
Corps Officer
Glendale, AZ

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