Peacock presents Bridgebuilders

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Bridgebuilders Session 2002 – 2004

Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock

Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock, president/principal of Crestmont College, addressed the cadets and guests just prior to their commissioning. His comments follow.

There are all sorts of bridge builders in our world. The Bridgebuilders here today have been equipped to be kingdom bridge builders. They want to take those who live in our spiritual enemy’s kingdom and help them cross over into Christ’s kingdom. They want to take those living in a secular culture and build bridges that help them cross over into a spiritual family and culture. They want to help the lost and the least, the despised and distressed, to be welcome in the kingdom of God. Relational bridge building like this takes time, material, skill and dedication.

The staff of Crestmont College has prepared these cadets to be “Blood and Fire” officers, and each has met the nationally approved Standards for Training Officers in the United States of America. They have been prepared and have participated in spiritual, intellectual and ministry formation as leaders for an emerging age and as such, they know God, know the mission and know themselves. They are ready to serve God and man. As Paul charged Timothy to “guard the deposit” made in his mentoring and preparation, so have the Bridgebuilders been challenged.

So, it is with honor, and pride, that the staff of Crestmont College, and I as president/principal present to you for commissioning as officers in The Salvation Army, the men and women of the Bridgebuilders Session of Cadets.

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