Direct resources to mission

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Note: Lt. Colonel Kurt Burger, secretary for business administration, presented the results of group discussions based on Strategic Priority #6: Direct Resources to Mission.

How do we increase the Army’s exposure as a vital faith-based community organization?


Within the faith community, the Army is not fully understood as a faith-based organization. As a result, there are resources that remain untapped.


Build awareness within the faith-based community to increase available resources.


  • * Establish a baseline of support within the faith community as a measuring tool.
  • * Contact denominational leaders and network with faith-based organizations.
  • * Link with other denominational web sites.
  • * Use of Christian mailing list to help promote organization.
  • * Develop a promotional campaign targeted towards the faith-based community. This should include ads in Christian periodicals, issue-based media pieces, and promotional materials for local use (videos, bulletins, inserts, flyers).


How do we determine which functions are best served at which level? How do we demonstrate making the Army’s ministry a priority in the allocation of resources at all levels?


Review and assess administrative functions to enable (form must follow function) our system(s) to operate more effectively and determine who best should “do the job” by September 2003.


  • Analyze where/how we spend our resources.
  • Each functional level will determine and make structural adjustments in order to live within boundary of tithe (10%).
  • Identify which mission functions are essential and make an allocation for them.
  • Allocate HR according to our declared mission priorities.
  • Answer this question: “Does the job require an officer/employee?”
  • Identify issues of redundancy.
  • Refine/simplify decision-making.
  • Assess/understand corps needs.
  • Assess qualification of personnel to handle functions as part of accounting.
  • Establish approval authorities and live/operate by them.
  • Process all decision through missions grid: Does it fit? Work? Help? Hinder?


How do we strengthen local stewardship in the context of the larger corporate SA?


We will by 2004, have officers and employees with a better understanding of local stewardship in context of the larger corporate SA.


  • Help officers and employees recognize and use Policies & Procedures as a tool.
  • Better training in the Policies & Procedures during recruitment and training at SFOT.
  • Emphasize value of connectedness: More open sharing of corporate problems/issues between administration (THQ/DHQ) and the field officers/employees.
  • Re-affirm and re-state what is allowed within the context of Policy & Procedures.


How do we focus on living within our means in the context of existing deficits and increasing needs while enhancing our mission, purpose and faith?


We will have 80% of all units operating within the black by 2005.


  • Increase income.
  • Tithing plan.
  • Incentive plan.
  • Oral presentation of budgets ­ corps to DFC, division to THQ, department heads to DFC/TFC, THQ to TEC.
  • Evaluate non-performing progress debt-reduction plan.
  • Six-month budget review.
  • Identify duplication and economy of scale.
  • Flat cash allowance.
  • Decrease payroll/staffing/officers and employees.
  • Reduction of services.


How do we create/nurture a stronger linkage between the fund development department/personnel with the program/service provider personnel in order to maximize the fund-raising potential.


We will, in 2005, increase fundraising for programs by percentage yet to be determined.


  • Increase interdepartmental communication/meetings; development department representative serve on DFC and/or DPC.
  • Program personnel to be part of development strategy meetings.
  • Program and development personnel dialogue on budget planning.
  • Guarantee a percentage of new monies will increase the budget of existing programs.
  • Direct 10% of development department energy/resources to non-metro corps and programs.
  • Pilot project: In selected corps/programs, test the following “new ways of working.”
  • Development department personnel meet with individual program coordinators on a regular basis (quarterly, monthly, semi-annually).
  • Public relations efforts to include testimonials of program clients.
  • Invite donors to be part of program committees.
  • Development of department support of/for individual programs (permit/facilitate resource).


How do we best increase allocable income in times of increasing economic uncertainty?


Increase allocable income resulting in a net gain of 5% in the next two years.


  • Perform a PR test-centralized campaign, increasing awareness and focus on tangible giving (World Vision).
  • Reconsider regionalized appeals and Internet fundraising.
  • Develop a more economical administrative structure considering downsizing and consolidation.
  • Expand to other Christian markets, volunteer, increase and share ideas.



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