Soldier Promoted to Glory

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soldier promoted to Glory

CSM BOB DARRELL, Albuquerque, New Mex.,, Citadel Corps, was the victim of a massive heart attack on March 16, at age 73. At a Bible study the night before he died, he spoke of times in his life that the Lord had blessed him and touched his life. He served in three wars in the Air Force and was a military policeman in his civilian life. A senior soldier for 55 years, he served on both DIVLOC and TERLOC for many years.

LORENE MARIE (RENIE) SATHER was recently promoted to Glory from Phoenix, Ariz. She was born to Gilbert and Marie Sather in Salt Lake City, Utah, and grew up in their officer household. A diagnosis of scoliosis became a concern early in life. She joined the Southwest Divisional Headquarters as statistician 12 years ago. Even through poor health she always had time to be a supportive aunt, sister and friend. She is survived by her brother and sister in law, Colonels Donald and Esther Sather; nephew Mark and his wife Debbie, and their sons Steven and Michael.

MARJORIE STILLWELL JOHNSON, daughter of the late Lt. Colonels Harry and Esther Stillwell and granddaughter of Brigadier Henry Stillwell, pioneer officer who opened the Army’s work in the West, died March 10, 2000 in Ventura, Calif. She was 84 and had suffered a long illness. Marjorie and her late husband Charles were former soldiers of the Compton and Ventura Corps. She is survived by her son, Robert, Ventura; brother Harry Stillwell, Orlando, Fla.; brothers and sisters-in-law Howard and Jerri Stillwell, Novato, Calif.: Bob and Bette Stillwell, Honolulu, HI; Don and Arvona Stillwell, Los Gatos, Calif.; and many nieces and nephews.

CSM YUN-KYU KIM, father of Captain Juhie Park, was promoted to Glory on March 9, 2000. He was the Corps Sergeant Major for the San Francisco Korean Corps and was instrumental in starting the Army’s Korean Ministry in San Francisco, Calif.

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  1. Majors Gerald and Suzanne Hill would like to express our sincere condolences to Don and Arvona Stillwell and other family members who are grieving the loss of Bob Stillwell. We just heard this saddening news today and know something of the overpowering feelings of grief when a family member passes on, even when we are sure they are with the Lord. May God bring comfort, assurance and peace to you who are sorrowing at the time.

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