Red Bluff Corps Enrolls 17 New Jr./Sr. Soldiers

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COME INTO MY HEART–Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland, divisional commander, enrolled 16 junior and one senior soldier recently in Red Bluff, Calif.


After months of preparation, the Red Bluff, Calif., corps recently enrolled 16 junior and one senior soldier. Del Oro Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland officiated, with the assistance of Corps Officers Captains Cruz and Linda Rodriguez.

The children performed a special number of “Come Into My Heart” after the enrollment. Their parents, most of whom had never been to a service at the corps, attended and enjoyed refreshments afterwards.

With these new soldiers and an encouraging response from their families, plans are now underway for special services geared towards the predominantly Spanish-speaking group. Capt. Cruz Rodriguez is planning on presenting the Sunday morning service in Spanish and English. “There has been a lot of enthusiasm generated by this,” said Capt. Linda Rodriguez. “Current corps members are excited about the growth and have volunteered to do what’s necessary to make everyone feel like part of the family.”

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