The General and the Commissioner Helen Clifton lead USA Eastern Territory congress.
Commissioner Helen Clifton speaks during celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Home League
General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton led the Eastern Territory’s Kaleidoscope Congress in Hershey, Penn., with 8,000 in attendance. The opening meeting included an emphasis on prayer, marking the end of a year of 24-7 prayer. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers led in worship, and Pastor Jim Cymbala brought a message on Isaiah 51, urging The Salvation Army to reclaim its prophetic voice.
A music festival reflected the congress theme and showcased contributions from the Eastern Territorial Songsters, a massed chorus, and music and dance from young people of the territory. A 100th Anniversary Home League breakfast featured Commissioner Clifton. During the weekend the General preached on the subject of holy living, and hundreds of people moved forward to pray.
On Sunday morning, at the commissioning of cadets from the Heralds of the Good News session, the General spoke of the Army’s need for officers. Many responded and made their way to the platform, one woman carrying a sleeping baby. The General held the baby and gave the challenge: “Who will be her corps officer? There are millions like this one who need you.” More than 135 responded and Territorial Commander Commissioner Lawrence Moretz said: “We’ve been praying for more than a year for this moment.”
During the appointment service General Clifton charged the new captains and all Salvationists to be like Jesus’ disciple Andrew; to evangelize those closest to them; to zero in on children; and to break out of their comfort zones.
The General admitted Colonel Henry Gariepy to the Order of the Founder. The citation stated that the colonel devoted himself to his sacred calling as an officer, and through a notable, tireless ministry of writing has inspired and blessed countless others around the world.
The congress celebrations concluded with Chris Jaudes (trumpet), backed by the New York Staff Band, playing “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
From a report by Linda Johnson