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National Seminar on Evangelism set for August 2006.

by Carl Darby –

Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs is the site of the annual National Seminar on Evangelism. Photo by Matt Bingham

NSE—Not Something Exciting? Never Seen Expansion? Need Suitable Empowerment?

Do any of these statements describe your corps—do you want to make a difference, leading to New Soldiers Enrolled?

At this summer’s National Seminar on Evangelism, you’ll encounter an experiential educational opportunity in Spanish and English language tracks relating to evangelism—corps growth, outreach, recovery corps, worship, lifestyle, young adult, integrated ministries, youth, child, inner-city, person to person—and discipleship, plus praise fellowship, testimony, and worship.

Enjoy God’s majesty at Glen Eyrie Conference Center, Colorado Springs, where Salvationists from all four U.S. territories will receive nourishment at the annual National Seminar on Evangelism, August 12-19, 2006.

It’s recommended that an officer attend with two or three soldiers, thereafter implementing a Holy Spirit corps empowered evangelistic action plan.

Pray; request information from your corps officer (or Carl Darby at 562-491-8405); undertake a TEAM Discipleship Spiritual Gift seminar; and make a commitment to New Spiritual Emphasis by attending this life/corps-changing event!

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