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An open letter from the Territorial Commander

Commissioner David EdwardsA fire completely destroyed the building housing the Trinidad and Tobago Divisional Headquarters, a men’s hostel and the divisional secretary’s quarters, just days before the division was slated to hold its 100th anniversary congress.

The fire was caused by an electrical fault that resulted from an unexpected surge in power in the electricity supplied to the building. The poor water pressure in the area prevented the fire services from saving the building. Unfortunately, two of the residents perished in the fire.

Also destroyed was the officer’s quarters that was located atop the divisional headquarters building. Two officer couples who are involved in the personnel changes lost all their personal possessions in the Fire. Major Roxroy Campbell, the DYS and manager of the men’s hostel, his wife Major Marjorie Campbell, the divisional secretary, were due to take up a new appointment in Jamaica and planned on leaving for Kingston following the Congress. They had everything packed and ready to go. They lost it all in the fire.

So, too, did their successors, Captains Emerson and Carolinda Cumberbatch. They brought their possession over with them from the island of Tobago, where they were stationed, and stored them in the officer’s quarters.

There is no question that this has been quite traumatic for the divisional leaders, officers, soldiers and friends of The Salvation Army. They need our help.

I am writing to ask that each corps or outpost take a special offering for the Trinidad Division. If there are corps who are in a position to give some substantial assistance, they should be encouraged to do so. Donations may be sent by the corps to the THQ finance department marked “Trinidad Relief.”

My thanks to the generous Salvationists of the Western Territory for any assistance that can be given to our brothers and sisters affected by this disastrous fire.


David Edwards
Territorial Commander

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