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Thinking outside the box

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The Salvaton Army partners with oganizations to “Do the Most Good” at Christmas.

“Need” is a non-fixable reality—a never-ending constant with magnitude that drastically increases at the holiday season. Each year, The Salvation Army joins forces with organizations to combat the “need” problem head-on.

The Red Kettle Christmas Campaign has been in existence since 1891 and has grown into one of the most recognizable charitable campaigns in the United States. Here in the West, corporate kettle partners include Albertsons, Big Lots, Kroger-owned stores, Fry’s Electronics, JCPenney, Macys/Bloomingdales, Raley’s, Hobby Lobby, Safeway, Shopko, Stater Bros., Walgreens, Walmart and Sam’s Club.

Besides welcoming bell ringers, Walmart will make a $1 million contribution nationally to the Red Kettle Campaign.

All monies/goods raised in kettles are used to benefit the community in which they were received.

For each gift card of $20 or more sold at Target stores between Nov. 14 and Nov. 20, Target will donate $1—up to $400,000—nationally.

JCPenney has simplified the Angel Giving Tree process this year. Donors can now visit jcp.com/angel to choose an “angel” to sponsor and shop. UPS has agreed to ship free of charge all purchases made at the jcp.com site to any one of the 1,200 Salvation Army collection centers. Visit jcp.com/angel for more information.

Denny’s restaurants are also participating in the Angel Giving Tree in selected Alaska markets.

JCPenney and country musicians Rascal Flatts will donate $1 to The Salvation Army for each copy sold of Rascal Flatts’ new album, Nothing Like This.

Sealy Mattress Company will donate up to 2,222 mattresses–$1 million in retail value—based on sales of Stearns and Foster mattresses at its retail outlets. Mattresses will be used at Salvation Army residential facilities.

Sam’s Club—along with the “Off the Field” NFL Players’ Wives Association—will host The Salvation Army Dream Drive—a shopping spree for local families—at 10 Sam’s Club locations (Chicago, Ill.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Dallas and Houston Texas; Miami, Fla.; New Orleans, La.; Philadelphia, Penn.; Phoenix, Ariz.; San Francisco/ Oakland, Calif.; and Washington, DC). Sam’s Club will provide up to $100,000 worth of merchandise and food—$10,000 in each location, with $200 per family designated for groceries.

Hanes will sponsor a sock drive.

The Salvation Army is providing a free update for the iPhone virtual “Bellringer” application, including new video content. The update enables donations via text message.

A second app enables Online Red Kettle owners to manage their accounts directly from their iPhone.

Digital music firm Melodeo will offer a third iPhone app—“The Salvation Army Christmas Music”—that streams a variety of Christmas favorites. Priced at $2.99, $1 of each download will be donated to the Red Kettle Campaign.

The pressure of increased need and decreased giving during the previous two years means The Salvation Army is especially reliant on support this year. Almost 40-50 percent of all public support for the Army comes during the critical months of October through December.

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