South opens Communications Bureau

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Southern Territory acquires OMM video archive


Committed to providing “communications the way God intended,” the South’s Territorial Communications Bureau—part of the territorial Community Relations and Development department—includes sections for: Communications—output of news and information, both written and electronic; Internet—integration and monitoring of Army websites within the territory; and Multimedia Ministries—video production and maintaining a video library.

Recently The Salvation Army’s Southern Territory announced that its newly formed Territorial Communications Bureau (TCB) has expanded its video recording and editing production services. The
department has a new facility incorporating the largest video archive resource in the Army world.

Southern Territorial Commander Commissioner Maxwell Feener made the first video recording in the studio, a DVD greeting for a new corps building dedication.

In 2006, Southern territorial headquarters acquired the extensive video library previously housed by the former Office of Media Ministries. This archive, reputedly the most comprehensive in the Army world, is a valuable, historically significant resource. The TCB will be viewing, assessing and documenting the library, along with producing future video productions. Plans include digitizing selected footage, over 6,000 tapes, and storage on a dedicated server, thereby allowing easy viewing and distribution of library footage to other territories, video production vendors and the worldwide media.

“We are going to make available the resources of the video library—the most comprehensive of the Army world—to allow greater publication of the Army message,” said Christopher Priest, territorial director of communications in the Southern Territory.

Currently delays exist for anyone requesting footage from the library, due to the need for real time viewing, cataloging and placement in the library. Those interested, however, should send in requests, as they will be treated in strict order of receipt (by date) at THQ.

Original footage and master recordings will not be available for rent or purchase. Dubbed copies in beta or DV (digital video) formats will be possible, for a yet to be determined administrative fee.

In addition to the library, the TCB will be publishing a catalog of Salvation Army-produced video recordings. Most of these are now in DVD format. A new website incorporating this and other services provided by the Communications Bureau is nearing launch.

Please direct all inquiries for Salvation Army videos previously put out by the Office of Media Ministries to: or telephone (404) 728-6704.

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