So. Calif. Features ‘Focused Fun’

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By Captain Ronda Gilger – 

Focused fun were the key words describing the mood of Southern California Youth Councils ’96, where the theme, “Certain Victory,” was developed to the max.

Special guests at beautiful Arrowhead Springs were Lt. Colonel Joe Noland, Majors Murray and Deborah Flagg, Captain Allie Niles and Lisa Smith, who combined to present the most relevant keynotes ever witnessed.

“David & the Giants” teamed with bilingual singer Kelly Huff to headline Friday night’s concert, which ended with an altar call for those making commitments to Christ. Grand support was provided by the Southern Cal. Praise Band.

Saturday’s focus was “living consistently”…in light of the “Certain Victory.” Workshops’ original topics included something for everyone: “Stereotypes and Judging,” “Next Time I Fall in Love,” “Future Possibilities,” “Forming a Life Mission,” “Lifers’ Drama Workshop,” “MTV 4 Jesus,” and more.

A highlight was an incredible youth talent display, emceed by Paul Aldrich, Christian comedian extraordinaire, with a backdrop of special smoke effects, lighting and graffiti banners. Brent Hydron, from “Graffiti Busters,” spoke directly to the reality of living what you say you believe. “No room for playing games in your walk with Christ. He’s not impressed.” Once again, teens responded to the call.

Noland spoke to 400 delegates Sunday morning, challenging them to step out in faith for the future. “Where will you go from here?” he challenged. Scores responded to the call to live for God wherever their paths led, while 35 committed to listening to the call for officership.

Late night events were organized recreation gone wild, including giant inflatables, an “over 18” cappuccino bar, and pizza ’til you drop. God was there, and it was fun!

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