Adrienne Finley, director of development for the Sierra del Mar Division, recently visited The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and found The Salvation Army in a painting, “The Cathedrals of Wall Street,” by early Modernist Florine Stettheimer, 1939.
According to the museum’s website, the painting, “unites various public figures with the major financial establishments of the day, suggesting the close relationship between politics and big business. The reimagined façade of the New York Stock Exchange pays homage to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the financial leaders Bernard Baruch, John D. Rockefeller, and J. P. Morgan.
“Perhaps as a warning against the temptations of earthly riches and power, Stettheimer added a group of Salvation Army workers. As in the other Cathedrals paintings, the artist inserted herself into the scene. Here, she offers a bouquet of flowers to the brightly gilded sculpture of George Washington outside the former Subtreasury Building.”
From salvationarmyexpectchange.org