Around the world, The Salvation Army runs 30 general hospitals and more than 200 clinics, meaning that its medical staff in many locations now find themselves on the frontlines of the battle against COVID-19. From the many programs in place, International Health Services Coordinator Major Joan Gibson shares some updates from centers that have received funding to expand their response. She asks for prayers that the funded equipment will be successfully sourced despite lockdown situations.
Zimbabwe Howard Hospital, a 140-bed institution a short distance from Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare, is the largest hospital in Mazowe District. In response to the spread of the virus, a tent has been set up at the hospital’s gate to triage patients before they enter—allowing potential coronavirus patients to be identified immediately. Due to restrictions on people’s movements to try to reduce the spread of the virus, Howard Hospital is currently dealing only with emergency patients and those who need repeat medications. Anticipating the possibility that the virus takes hold as it has done elsewhere in the world, sufficient funds have been sourced to allow the hospital to purchase more PPE (personal protection equipment) and IPC (infection prevention and control) materials such as disinfectant and soap. Funds have also been provided to buy five new ventilators and other monitoring equipment to care for people who become seriously ill as a result of COVID-19. The 40-bed Tshelanyemba Hospital is in the south of Zimbabwe, more than two hours’ drive from Bulawayo. Most men in the area work in neighboring countries and only come home for holidays. With the borders closing, the men are now returning home, and the concern is that they may bring the virus with them. The hospital has set up a phone line for villagers to call in with their symptoms so they can be given instructions about what to do before going to the hospital. In the event that some of those contracting COVID-19 will develop severe symptoms before coming to the hospital, funding has been provided to purchase a ventilator as well as PPE and IPC materials. Ghana The Salvation Army has a number of clinics across Ghana. At present, the total of COVID-19 cases in the country is low, but preparations are in place in case that situation changes. New funding has been provided to purchase more PP and IPC equipment and materials. India Authorities have requested The Salvation Army Evangeline Booth Hospital in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, to be the area’s central facility for receiving all COVID-19 patients. The hospital has designated 30 single rooms that have been refurbished in readiness to receive coronavirus patients, but many other beds have been made available if this area becomes full. The hospital has been provided with funding to purchase two ventilators and a BiPap machine (to aid breathing) along with other monitoring equipment, so they will be able to respond to severe cases. As of April 7, the hospital had admitted 22 patients and discharged two. So far none of the cases have been serious. IHQ Communications International Headquarters Updates on The Salvation Army’s worldwide response to COVID-19, including video messages from General Brian Peddle, are available at

Salvation Army hospitals and clinics respond to coronavirus pandemic
April 15, 2020
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I have 4 boxes of unopened medical supplies and would like to donate them. I hope they can be used by your organization.
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I have 4 boxes of unopened medical supplies and would like to donate them. I hope they can be used by your organization.
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