Salvation Army holds first fan drive

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FanDriveFans will be given to seniors and families with small children.

The Salvation Army in Marshall, Texas, held its first ever community fan drive to prepare for the summer. Running in June, the drive aimed to raise 500 fans for seniors and families with small children in Harrison County.

Susie Witcher, office manager for Marshall, told the Marshall News Messenger she and the rest of her staff decided to join the annual statewide event because they felt there was a need in the community for it.

“There are a lot of families with children and seniors who need these fans and would otherwise go without them,” she said. “The purchase of fans may seem small to a lot of people, but it’s the difference between if they eat or not with how much they cost.”

Wal-Mart, Big Lots, Lowes, Fred’s and Family Dollar also participated in the “Beat the Heat” campaign. Those interested in purchasing a fan simply said the fan was going to The Salvation Army and the store delivered it.

“The stores listed have been wonderful in agreeing to be a convenience to us,” Witcher said. “These stores came right on board to deliver the fans to us.”

Witcher said the Harrison County community has always “stepped up” when asked and believed this campaign would meet the same response.

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