prayer power- Somebody’s prayin’

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Mervyn Morelock, Lt. Colonel


Each week, corps and institutions in the territory receive a two-page Call to Prayer list inviting prayer for the 80 or so names of those who have requested prayer or whom we have been advised are in need of prayer. It’s an extensive list, but, of course, we never can include all of the prayer concerns that exist in the territory.

In studying the many requests that have been sent to over 320 praying congregations in the last few years, it is clear that there are many who faithfully pray for the individuals and concerns listed. Sometimes a prayer request continues to be included on the list though the prayer has been answered! What a joy to receive a note or phone call saying, “You can take me off the prayer request list now. I’m healed!”

Have you ever personally requested prayer and been keenly aware that someone is praying for you? How does it make you feel? There is a strange kind of calmness, peace and strength that takes place when one is being specifically prayed for.

Some time ago, a medical doctor made a study on the power and effect of prayer. In the study, some people who were ill were selected to be prayed for and a control group was not. Those chosen to intercede in prayer never knew the name of the one being prayed for, just a number. At the end of the study, the people receiving prayer had a much higher percentage of healing compared with those who were not.

Prayer has a positive effect on people even when they do not know they are being prayed for! And so much more when they know their needs are being lifted up to God by hundreds of intercessors!

Recent health concerns have given my wife and I new appreciation for the power of prayer and the blessing of having friends who are praying, resulting in a calming assurance and hope.

Profound emotions go through your mind when you learn you have cancer. We are experiencing comfort knowing that people are praying. Prayer reduces the anxiety and fear and God seems to work in a special way—calming our spirit and quietly healing our wounds and illness.

Recently, the Phoenix Citadel Songsters sang a song by Ricky Skaggs that is a testimony on how prayer affects us. It is our testimony. The following are excerpts from the song.


“Somebody’s prayin’, I can feel it

Somebody’s prayin’ for me.

Mighty hands are guiding me

To protect what I can’t see.

Lord I believe, Lord I believe

That somebody’s praying for me.


I’ve been through the darkest caverns

Where no light had ever shown.

Still I went on ’cause there was someone

Who was down on their knees.

And Lord, I thank you for those people

Prayin’ all this time for me.


Lord I believe, Lord I believe

Somebody’s prayin’ for me…”


Be that “somebody who is prayin’”!

There IS power in your prayer!


To request prayer and view other prayer requests and praise reports visit


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