Partners in compassion

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by Ted Horwood, Captain – 

As the summer months approach, divisions and corps are exploring opportunities for mission teams to visit partner territories.

Representatives from the Southern California Division will be visiting five partner countries in Latin America North (Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala) in order to initiate relationships, share information, and prepare video documentation as a basis for establishing a mutual partnership.

So. California will also be supporting Lt. Colonels Charles and April Strickland as they complete their service in Indonesia; General John Gowans (Ret.) will be visiting Indonesia during the Commissioning events in May.

Captains Daniel and Anya Henderson wrote from Narva, Estonia Corps, to express their hope that Salvationists from the West would assist them as: youth worker, worship leader, or AIDS project administrator. This year the Western Territory will be sending out several lay missionaries. Contact the missions department at THQ for details.

The Southwest Division will be sending Lt. Colonel Mervyn Morelock to assess partner opportunities with the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire).

Laura Robinson just re-turned from an international meeting held in Singapore to discuss Youth Capacity Development at a global level, with local implications. Youth Capacity Development is a concept based in the belief that young people are valuable leaders in today’s society. It is about finding ways to encourage, support and enrich young people by connecting them to other young people throughout the world so that they might learn and share with one another.

Nine countries were represented (including USA West) along with leadership from Singapore and IHQ.

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Pascoe Temple enrolls 28 new soldiers

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  BREAKFAST IS SERVED at the Bishop High School 24-Hour Relay on Sunday

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