Overseas Child Sponsorship transitions to ‘center’ focus

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New approach ensures the needs of all children are met.

The Salvation Army’s Overseas Child Sponsorship program transitioned in 2018 from individual sponsorship to sponsorship of an entire Salvation Army center.

The transition occurred on an international scale after much consideration, discussion with consultants, a global sponsorship forum, and with the motivating factor being to best serve all children under The Salvation Army’s care, according to Rachel Thieme Ramirez, the Western Territory’s World Missions and Overseas Child Sponsorship Coordinator.

“Individual sponsorship can often promote inequality among children in one facility. In the new sponsorship format, the children who are being individually sponsored now will still benefit, it is just being done in a way that will also allow all of the children in the program to have their needs met,” Ramirez said.

She emphasized the vital role sponsors play in continuing Salvation Army children’s homes, schools, and child development centers, providing children with access to education, safe shelter, a healthy diet, and health services.

As part of the transition, donors indicated a preference of country or region to support and received a profile of the program he or she now supports.  

“Sponsorship is a biblical response to the reality of poverty, pain and suffering in this world,” Ramirez said. “As sponsors, you are a reflection of God’s grace and compassion and are being used as his vessel to bring his kingdom come in a real and tangible way.”

Donors can expect a biannual newsletter about the ways children in the programs are growing and thriving and can continue to write letters of encouragement to the children.

Learn more about becoming a sponsor by email to child.sponsorship@usw.salvationarmy.org.

Sponsorship is caring for orphans (James 1:27); Giving to “the least of these” (Matt. 25:40); Defending the rights of the poor and needy (Prov. 31:9); Showing mercy and compassion (Zech. 7:9); Loving your neighbor (Luke 10:27); Being open handed to the poor and needy (Deut. 15:11); Carrying others’ burdens (Gal. 6:2); Sharing with those in need (Rom. 12:12); Looking out for the interests of others (Phil. 2:4); An expression of faith (Jas. 2:17); A display of God’s love (1 Jn. 3:17).

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