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Nolands enter honorable retirement

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GENERAL PAUL RADER (R) and Commissioner Kay Rader conduct Commissioners Joe and Doris Noland’s retirement. (photo by Ron Bawden)


General Paul A. Rader (R) and Commissioner Kay F. Rader conducted the retirement ceremony for Commissioners Joe and Doris Noland, who officially leave their appointments as USA Eastern territorial leaders July 31, 2002.

The flagbearers for the ceremony were the Nolands’ sons, Rob, who as an envoy is planting a corps in Hawaii, and Guy, who is involved in making Christian films, including Altars in the Street and a new film, Unsung, about the Army’s work at Ground Zero.

The General commended the Nolands for their “stirring call to arms: ‘No Limits Together,’ ” part of their 7(infinity)7 vision for the territory, which included HopeShare™, the Nolands’ initiative to reach at ­risk children with the Gospel.

While the Raders were territorial leaders in the West, the Nolands were appointed to serve first as divisional leaders in Hawaii, then to Territorial Headquarters, with Joe as Program Secretary and Doris as Current Issues and League of Mercy Secretary.

General Rader called the Nolands “central” to the promotion of his own “Mission 2000” vision in the West. He said that the Nolands “deepened their commitment” to the worldwide Army in their appointments in the Australia Eastern Territory, where Joe was chief secretary and Doris was territorial Home League secretary.

Rader read a letter from General John Gowans, who said of the Nolands that “the Army is better and stronger because of their consistent dedication.”

Commissioner Joe Noland, in his response, talked about his conviction, represented by a saying he always keeps on his desk, “God doesn’t mind a little show biz … as long as you get the message across.” He said the saying had been “a constant reminder of God’s glory, often displayed in dramatic fashion.” To illustrate his point, he called out the “Hip­Hop Timbrels” of Harlem Temple Corps, who performed to a driving beat.

“Doesn’t that get your attention?” Noland said.

Cards and messages may be sent to the Nolands at: 48209 Vista de Nopal, La Quinta, Ca 92253.

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