Army offers support following Napa earthquake

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By Sydney Fong – 

The Salvation Army has deployed multiple canteens to the Napa and Vallejo areas following a reported 6.0 earthquake near American Canyon and Napa.

A Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) team has been sent to the evacuation center in Napa (Crosswalk Community Church, 2590 First Street) and is prepared to serve over 100 dinner meals to displaced residents and first responders. Two other canteens have been stationed in other parts of Napa to also serve meals: the Salvador Mobile Estates (4421 Solano Ave.) and the Napa Valley Mobile Home Park (1040 Orchard Ave).

Another crew has also been providing meal service in Vallejo. An emergency canteen is currently at Fire Station 21(1220 Marin St.), where nearly 200 meals have already been delivered to emergency personnel at that site since early this morning. Earlier today, that same team also provided food and beverage for the patients and staff at St. Helena Hospital, which, at one point, was without water.

The Salvation Army will continue to assess the ongoing needs and how to best assist residents and first responders throughout the entire response process.

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