Nairobi emergency team responds

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A 2013 International Emergency Services (IES) training in Nairobi, Kenya, resulted in a local emergency service team poised for action—a team that soon after responded to the 2013 terrorist attack at an upscale mall and again after the April 2 attack at Garrissa University.

The Government’s Emergency Response Team requested The Salvation Army’s assistance following the attack at a response center at Nyayo Stadium, where relatives of students are being asked to wait.

“At present, while the bodies are arriving, only 40 have been formally identified,” said Richard Bradbury, IES project officer. “This place will also be a meeting place for students arriving back. We are expecting the exercise to last all weekend.”

The Salvation Army is providing refreshments there for relatives and officials, as well as counseling. Bradbury also reported that the Army’s public relations officer was asked to lead prayers in official meetings.

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