Knoxville opens job readiness lab

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Hundreds find work through the Job Assistance Program.

The Salvation Army of Knoxville, Tenn., opened a job readiness laboratory for its residents as part of its Job Assistance Program that features a newly renovated space with eight computers and a classroom that will give participants an opportunity to complete online job applications, study or craft resumes.

“The new job readiness lab is a very important addition to our Job Assistance Program,” said Employment Coordinator Angela Childers. “It’s an amazing asset to our residents that will have an immediate impact on their ability to find and maintain meaningful employment. The skills we plan on providing our residents will open a whole new spectrum of opportunities for them in the workforce.”

Since its inception in October 2009, nearly 800 residents have used the Job Assistance Program with about 50 percent gaining employment. The addition of the job readiness lab, which was made possible in part by computer donations from the Tellico Village Computer Users Club, is believed to be a key element in improving that success rate. The computers in the lab will be used as a platform in order to make residents more versatile and attractive to potential employers.

“Opening the lab is a step in the right direction, but it’s still a work in progress,” said Knoxville Area Commander Major Albert Villafuerte. “We created the lab with the intention of adding GED prep and basic computer skills courses for our clients when more funding is available.”



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