Hoods Enter Honorable Retirement, Head West

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Commissioners Kenneth and Barbara Hood recently entered retirement from the Southern Territory. Farewells were said with the traditional Salvation Army retirement service held at the Atlanta Temple Corps.

The Chief of the Staff, Commissioner Earle Maxwell, accompanied by Commissioner Wilma Maxwell, was on hand to conduct the ceremony.

The theme of the day was “It’s a Wonderful Life,” as the Hoods and their friends reflected on their officer careers, which began in the Western Territory in the early 1950s and culminated with their four and a half years as leaders in the South. Love and respect were shown them throughout the day.

Commissioner Ken Hood’s steady and sure hand as an administrator, his sound business judgment, and his renowned wry humor were fondly remembered in tributes, as were Commissioner Barbara Hood’s gentle, nurturing spirit and ability to bring beauty to the world around her. As tributes from their many friends brought out, their Christian faith was the foundation for all their personal traits.

Among the special guests at the luncheon and retirement service were the Hoods’ children, Deanna, Brian, Joelle, and their families.

Commissioned as single officers in 1953 and 1954, they married in 1957. After commanding several corps, they broadened their experience with appointments in business administration, finance, youth ministry, women’s ministries, veterans’ services, and services to the aging.

They were appointed to command the Hawaiian Islands Division in 1979 and served there until 1982, when Hood was appointed business administration secretary for the Western Territory. He became chief secretary in the west in 1986, and in 1989 they were appointed to national headquarters to serve as national chief secretary and assistant to the national president for women’s organizations.

In August 1993, the Hoods were appointed to leadership in the Southern Territory.

“Little did I realize when I became an officer in 1954 the various twists and turns my life would take,” Hood said. “We feel rich in the experiences that have come our way. We still have more to do, and we are sure God will strengthen us and enable us as he has in the past.”

“Saying yes to Jesus has been the most glorious and most rewarding experience of my life,” Commissioner Barbara Hood said. “I’ve renewed the covenant I made with him many, many times.”

In retirement, the Hoods will live at 3003 Nelson Drive, Roseville CA 95661.

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