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Frontlines / News from the west

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Karen Gleason

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:9 NIV).

 PETERSBURG, ALASKA—Corps Officer Lt. Caleb Fankhauser read Scripture (Col. 1:15-18) in the Blessing of the Fleet and Fisherman’s Memorial on April 22, an important ceremony in a fishing community. View the ceremony on YouTube: https://tiny.cc/ov9odw.


VANCOUVER, WASH.—Nine corps youth took part in a local fishing derby with over 300 others, sponsored by Washington State Fish and Wildlife and the local Lions Club. They received prizes including a $50 Walmart gift card, a trophy, new bicycles, a fully stocked tackle box and an outdoor game backpack, and, of course, the fish they caught. Majors Ron and Ronalee Fenrich are the corps officers.


 SACRAMENTO, CALIF.—Advisory board member John Frisch received the Executive Leadership award at the recent People Helping People Award Luncheon. Not only was he recognized for his outstanding work with The Salvation Army, but also his contributions to other organizations in the Sacramento area.


NAMPA, IDAHO—The Nampa Corps is seeking to combat the common misperception, “I didn’t know The Salvation Army was a church” by placing a sandwich board at the chapel door that invites people in. Corps officers Majors William and Brenda Hathorn are also considering placing a full-page ad in the local newspaper.


COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO.—Easter brought a message of hope to a woman struggling to raise her five children while her husband was incarcerated. After receiving an early release, the husband reunited with his family and attended the corps’ worship service, where he committed his life to Christ. Majors John and Judy Bennett are the corps officer.


SANTA CRUZ, CALIF.—Corps members participated in Project Homeless Connect, providing 247 clothing vouchers, hygiene kits and 50 phone cards to those in need in the community. Canteen volunteers offered coffee and snacks to people waiting for services. A/Captains Adrian and Viviana Viquez are the corps officers.


OCEANSIDE, CALIF.—Noting the “disconnect” between The Salvation Army’s senior nutrition program, the Silvercrest residence and other local senior services, Corps Officers Lts. Jay and Ashley Koebel partnered with Annebell Espinosa, senior nutrition site manager, on a special event. They invited Silvercrest and three other low-income senior communities to attend a concert by Mike Chamberlin—newscaster and TV anchor for 35 years and 10-year correspondent with ESPN—who sang and played guitar. Seventy people attended the event at the corps, which included lunch.


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