Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –
Managing Editor

Daily routines are once again taking on familiar rhythms at our new territorial headquarters in Long Beach. Boxes are mostly un-packed, phone systems are becoming familiar, and our new metropolitan surroundings are starting to feel like home. God’s grace has been bountiful!

Thank you, Elisabeth!
Another enormous adjustment we’ve faced is the retirement of Crestmont conference center manager Elisabeth Ehrl, who graciously and efficiently ran the break room and conference center at THQ. While her kindness, compassion and incredible culinary skills were enjoyed by all, this 20-year employee does deserve a change of pace. Elisabeth’s husband, Fred Ehrl, was the heartbeat of THQ’s “Fred’s Place” snack shop until his promotion to Glory last November. God bless you, Elisabeth–we miss you!

IMC stamp of approval
Colonel Bob Tobin (R) reports a commemorative cover has been produced for the International Millennium Congress. “The multi-colored cover has an insert showing the history of all Salvation Army International Congres-ses, and is franked with a US stamp postmarked in Atlanta, GA, on the opening day of the Congress.”

This is a Self Denial project for the Seattle, WA, Temple Corps. A limited number are available at $3.00 each from CSM Alex de Langen, c/o The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 30638-3011, Seattle, WA 98103-0638.

A good fellow
CSM Ernie Young, Concord, Calif., Corps, reports that Corps Officer Major Bill Nottle was recently surprised during a Sunday morning worship service, when he was recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow, one of the highest awards attainable by a Rotarian. Young was recently elected president of the Pleasant Hill Rotary Club.

HUD recognizes SA
Rev. Duane Sonnenberg and David Norment, Las Vegas, NV, program director for Projects for Assistance in Tran-sition from Homelessness (PATH), proudly received the 1999 PATH Exemplary Program Award at the National H.U.D. Conference in Wash-ington, D.C., reports Lt. Colonel Jim Sullivan, Clark County Coordinator. Lt. Colonel Paul Bollwohn was also present for the special occasion.

Sobriety and Recognition banquet
More than 70 alumni were welcomed to the Annual Sobriety and Recognition Banquet at the Riverside County ARC, attended by 224. Special guest speaker, Judy Turnbull, is executive director of Overcomer’s Outreach, a 12-step addiction program. Ray Vielma, a program graduate, shared how God brought him to the ARC. Shane Guy was awarded the Volunteer of the Year award and Jeanette Burroughs was given the Employee of the Year award.

Miss America Contestant is Army fan
National Community Relations & Development Secretary Lt. Colonel Tom Jones reports the current Miss Oklahoma, Kristin Steveson, is a member of the Army’s Women’s Auxiliary in Broken Arrow, Okla. She also attended the recent International Millennial Congress in Atlanta.

Kristin’s platform in the upcoming Miss America Pageant will be to promote community involvement in The Salvation Army.

Promoted to Glory

Promoted to Glory


Embracing charitable choice

Embracing charitable choice

by Lt

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