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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

The Salvation Army received some 140 bed units (bed frame, dresser, desk) donated from the U.S. Air Force Academy.

The Army’s Safe Harbor program in the Denver area works closely with the Veterans Association Medical Hospital, providing beds in its programs to homeless veterans. The VA was offered the donation of bed units from Air Force Academy and in turn suggested donating them to The Salvation Army.

Denver Mattress donated a truck driver and its time and services to transport six tractor trailer loads of the bed units from the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs to The Salvation Army’s Denver warehouse. The bed units will be used to upgrade The Salvation Army’s transitional, homeless and camp programs in Denver, Colorado Springs and Estes Park.


The Salvation Army of Phoenix recently received a special gift from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. A check for $25,000 was presented to Lt. Colonel Olin O. Hogan at the Desert Botanical Gardens.

The funding was used to assist with the Christmas distribution program. This year 49,000 children and their families received new toys, food and clothing. Funding from a $94,000 grant received the previous year from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust was used to implement programming, upgrade resources and renovate property at the Maryvale Corps Community Center, located in west Phoenix. This facility focuses its efforts on gang prevention and intervention.


A Salvation Army luncheon in San Francisco recently thanked community leaders for past assistance and focused on formerly homeless children and plans for a Yahoo! Auction.

In an age of e-mail, e-commerce, e-brokers, cyber crime and cyber warfare, even the Army gets into the act.

This event was an improvisational party with formerly homeless pre-schoolers performing before an audience of 150 people who, for this day, were their extended family.

Homeless kids, especially if their parents are addicted, already live on the edge of trouble and in the midst of turmoil. How are they going to keep up with the dramatic changes taking place in society? How–in an increasingly technological world–do we maintain a personal touch, a support system for those who hurt the most?


Captain Noreen French, corps officer in Richmond, Calif., has recently been awarded the Bachelor of Public Administration Degree in the College of Professional Studies at the University of San Francisco. Congratulations on this significant accomplishment!


Bandmaster (R) Harry Stillwell has just celebrated his 86th birthday. Our best wishes to him for another good year! Harry is one of the Western Territory’s five members of the Order of the Founder.

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