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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Recently, The Salvation Army celebrated a realized dream in Casper, Wyo. More than 200 people participated in guided tours of the completed construction at the Goodstein Center for Hope.

Lt. Rick Fisher, corps officer, says, “The concept from the beginning has been to provide a place of hope to families in emergency situations. The food bank warehouse alone will process over 400,000 pounds of food in 1999.” What started in 1995 with the donation of the 23,000 sq. ft. building has now culminated into a consolidated service operation with family services and food bank, and now the building is completely functional.


Territorial evangelists Majors Darvin and Betty Carpenter will be at Stockton ARC December 4-8; Bakersfield ARC December 11-15. They will be in the Southwest Division January 14-16 and at TALC January 17-20.


Major Jacque Fritz of the San Bernardino, Calif., Corps has received the League of Women Voters 1999 Citizen of Achievement Award in recognition of her many contributions which improve the quality of life in her community. She is especially active in visiting patients at the VA Medical Center, praying for them and giving gifts, many of which she has made herself. The Major demonstrates a special love and concern for the youth, elderly, homeless and the many soldiers and friends of the corps. We are grateful that she has been recognized in this way.


Recently, seven stylists from Deborah Kim’s Garden Grove salon plied their clippers for the benefit of 25 men who had signed up for haircuts. Kim, a fellow Christian, had answered the request of Lt. Jessica Markiewicz, ARCC Trainee, to provide a service not available at the ARC.

They were finished three hours later, and settled down to an evening meal at the center. Impressed as to the complete care that is provided for the men at the ARC, they came to a greater understanding of The Salvation Army as a whole, and look forward to doing this again.


At an Adult Rehabilitation Center, each day is important. A history of alcohol or drug abuse, when followed by sobriety, is cause for celebration. Recently the Lytton ARC celebrated 63,595 days of sobriety in 106 people. Helping Majors Clyde and Nancy Curnow, administrators, for this glad weekend were Majors Ed and Dorothy Covert from the Hayward Corps. In the Sunday chapel service, many were found seeking God’s power in their lives.


The Salvation Army’s National Social Services Conference in 2001 and 2002 will be held: March 10-14, 2001–Kansas City Kan. March 16-20, 2002–Denver, Colo.

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