Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Station KHON-TV 2 and The Salvation Army joined forces to help Oahu families in need with back-to-school supplies. Lokahi, Hawai-ian for Harmony, is a program led by news anchor Leslie Wilcox. Two locations were provided for collecting donations and generous media encouragement was given both for donors and families signing up for aid. Lts Rich Pease and Kyle Smith were on camera to explain the Army’s program. Donations were taken to the Army’s Central Oahu Corps warehouse for sorting and distribution.


Fantastic Sam’s staff and local beauty college students and teachers provided 75 children with free haircuts, report Corps Officers Captains Kyle and Martha Trimmer. Encouraged by a local radio station, donations poured in so 156 Laramie County school children could begin the school year with new clothes, backpacks, supplies and smiles. People attending a Monster Truck Rally in Cheyenne were encouraged to bring school supplies, donated to The Salvation Army. Lts. John and Linnea Desplancke and members of the TLC group (Teens Living for Christ) appeared at the show.


The Army was well recognized during this year’s Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo. There are cowboy parades, pancake breakfasts, carnivals and the biggest rodeo in the nation. There are refreshments of all kinds, but one thing is missing: water! The Salvation Army’s water wagon is a welcome sight for these folk. With the help of 47 volunteers, Captains Kyle and Martha Trimmer and Lts. John and Linnea Desplancke served 20,625 cups of free, cold water to people during the week’s rodeo, with 5,000 cups given out at other sites. The sign at the water wagon said it all…”Offering a cold cup of water in the name of Christ.”


We are pleased to learn that the following degrees have been conferred: Major Tedd Lowcock, M.A. in Pastoral Studies from the Haggard School of Theology at Azusa Pacific University; Capt. Kelly Pontsler, Master of Business Administra-tion from California State University at Dominguez Hills; Major Susan Wun, Master of Arts in 1998 and Masters of Divinity in 1999 from Chinese for Christ Calvin Chao Theological Seminary; Capt. Mario Reyes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from University of Phoenix; and Major Preston Ryder, Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Regis University in Denver.


Lt. Colonel Chris Buchanan, Northwest divisional commander, has recently undergone surgery for cancer of the colon. He asks for assurances of prayer support as well as appropriate cartoons to cheer him as he begins chemotherapy. His mailing address is: 418 N. 157th Ct.; Shoreline WA 98133-5925.

Harry Sparks tells us that his brother, Les Sparks, has been diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, and it does not look good. Prayer support throughout the territory will be appreciated. Messages of encouragement may be sent to Les Sparks, 810 Dolehemus Rd. #36, San Mateo CA 94402.

Yuills Re-Assigned as Divisional Leaders in UK

Following a request by Commis-sioner Alex Hughes, territorial commander of the British Territory, to Commissioner David Edwards, USA Western territorial commander, Majors Chick and Margaret Yuill, Pasadena Tabernacle corps officers, have been re-assigned effective December 1, 1999 to responsibilities in the British Territory as divisional leaders for the North Central Division with headquarters in Manchester.

The Yuills have served for over five years in their current appointment and have led the corps to significant growth in all areas of service and have made a great impact on the entire territory.

Named to succeed them are Captains Edward and Joyce Loomis, presently serving as assistant secretary to the national community relations and development secretary at National Headquarters.

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