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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

The Salvation Army’s HOPE (Homeless Outreach to Place and Empower) Team was recognized for their successful efforts by the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation and Library Depart-ment at a recent banquet. Accepting the award were Major Luis Martinez, divisional director of Hispanic Ministries, Project HOPE coordinator Susan Berg and Americorps VISTA volunteer Melanie Fiorella.

Project HOPE links homeless families and individuals with community resources by providing referral and transportation. The HOPE van travels about 65 miles a day, serving as a link between the homeless and service providers.

Recently, HOPE also received publicity via a video produced by Phoenix’s Channel 11. First airing during February, it will show at intervals throughout the year.

Copies of the video are available by calling the Southwest Divisional Public Relations Department at (602) 267-4207.


League of Mercy workers representing four Anchorage area corps participated in the National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans recently. Led by Divisional LOM secretary Major Nila Fankhauser, three teams of workers greeted more than 200 veterans at the V.A. clinic and hospital, outreach center and domicile with doughnuts, a warm smile, and “God Bless You.”

The Army’s involvement with veterans’ organizations has increased during the past four years. The Army also helps with Operation Stand Down (a resource fair for homeless veterans) and this year participated in Veterans’ Day Ceremonies held at Ft. Richardson, Alaska.


Lt. Colonel Olin Hogan, Southwest Divisional Commander, will be honored as a “Listed Executive” in the 1999 Business Journal Book of Lists. He was named as a top business executive in the Phoenix community. Good to see this, and well deserved!


Lt. Peter Kim, corps officer of the Anchorage Korean Corps, was recently elected president of the Alaska Federation of Korean Christian Churches. As president of the Federation, Kim traveled to Russia (February 28-March 11) to conduct revival services and will journey to Korea (April 5-17), also to conduct revival services. What an opportunity to spread the Army’s message!


In writing of the retirement of Majors Dale and Lyn Hill, we inadvertently gave the wrong mailing address. All mail goes to them at P. O. Box 871402, Vancouver WA 98687-1402.


Lt. Colonel Bill Hunter was recently admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital in New York with a blood clot on the lung. Our prayers are with both Lt. Colonels Bill and Barbara Hunter during this difficult time. Messages of support and cheer may be sent to their quarters at: 188 Red Hill Road; New City NY 10956.



Major Joe Hoosgtad, Assistant in Business Administration (pro-tem);
Major Eileen Hoogstad,
Assistant in Personnel Services (pro-tem).

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